Wages Get Updated on July 1, 2021

Every year on July 1st, wages get updated. It may go up or down. But generally, changes are minor compared to previous years.

To find the wages for the current year and previous years, employers may visit the wage library.

In our experience, wages sometimes do change substantially from one year to the next. The example below shows the wage for a Financial Analyst decreasing from $56,098 in 2019 to $45,344 in 2020 (about a 20% drop)

Employers may consider filing LCAs prior to July for H-1B extensions that need to be filed this year. The strategy here is if wage substantially increases after July, the lower wage from the certified LCA (filed prior to July) will be used to support the H-1B extensions. Employers are therefore protected from increased wages for the next 2 to 3 years.

If wage instead decreases substantially after July, then the employer may simply file another LCA and use the post-July LCA in support its H-1B extensions.