Re-Designation of Syria for TPS

On March 18, 2021, DHS announced re-designation and extension of Syria for TPS. This means that current beneficiaries may extend their TPS until September 30, 2022 while first-time applicants may now apply if they had missed the previous registration period.

Current beneficiaries

Current beneficiaries will be eligible to re-register for an extension of their status and have employment authorization through Sept. 30, 2022. The 60-day re-registration period runs from March 19, 2021, through May 18, 2021.

First time applicants

Under the re-designation of Syria for TPS, Syrian nationals (or individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Syria) who entered the United States before March 19, 2021, and continuously resided here since that date and who currently do not have TPS may submit an application during the 180-day initial registration period that runs from March 19, 2021, through Sept. 15, 2021.