Final Rule Creating a Wage-Based H-1B Lottery Delayed Until 12/31/2021

As we have previously reported, this final rule has been postponed in light of Biden's efforts to postpone "midnight regulations" that signed by President Trump during the waning days of his administration. See our earlier posts: Final Rule on Creating Wage-Based Selection System for H-1B Cap-Subject PetitionH-1B Lottery unlikely to be impacted by the New RuleH-1B Lottery for FY2022 will Remain...

Final Rule on Creating Wage-Based Selection System for H-1B Cap-Subject Petition

According to USCIS, a final rule has been announced on January 7, 2021 that will modify the H-1B cap selection process, amend current lottery procedures, and prioritize wages to protect the economic interests of U.S. workers and better ensure the most highly skilled foreign workers benefit from the temporary employment program. This effort will only affect H-1B registrations (or...