On July 6, 2021, DHS announced the re-designation and extension of Yemen for TPS. This means that current beneficiaries may extend their TPS until March 3, 2023, and first-time applicants may also apply.
Current beneficiaries
Current beneficiaries will be eligible to re-register for an extension of their status and have employment authorization. Approximately 1,700 current beneficiaries will be allowed to retain TPS through March 3, 2023, as long as they meet TPS eligibility requirements.
First time applicants
The re-designation of Yemen for TPS allow Yemen nationals (or individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Yemen) who have been continuously residing in the United States since July 5, 2021, and continuously physically present in the United States since Sept. 4, 2021, to file initial applications to obtain TPS, if they are otherwise eligible.